Monday, March 10, 2014

Cons consumption of refined sugar

( cc) Ricardo Ricote Rodríguez |Flickr
How harmful can it be? One of the main questions go through not only those foods that contain large amounts of sugar, fat and calories also add that the body does not need.
Much has been said about the quality of foods that contain sugar, the food industry adds this white ingredient to add flavor, plus hundreds of calories the body does not need.

Sugary foods are attractive, drinks, cakes, cookies, candy, coffee, among others, are more sugar than other ingredients, as they provide the pleasurable feeling of immediate well-being thanks to the large amount of pure sucrose containing, as in the refining process has lost much of its nutrients.
On the BBC website a video explaining how sugar worries much of the scientific community, who consider this additive as a path to obesity is exposed;
foods high in sugar also carry large amounts of fats and ingredients that add calories. Cancer, heart problems and diabetes are among the diseases that usually brings to consume such foods become more common and affordable.

For its part, the World Health Organization, WHO recommends that daily sugar intake does not exceed 5%, ie 6 tablespoons small measures for adult people with normal body mass index. Such action is related to the present in fruit juices sugar, honey, syrups, and those foods with added sugar, such as a can of soda contains 40 grams (10 teaspoons). A recommendation that seeks to reduce the chances of contracting serious illnesses product of excessive intake of this ingredient.
Some argue that sugar consumption is related to alcohol or cigarettes in how addiction causes in people who can not put it aside, or try another way to sweeten coffee in the morning. In addition, the cons are the amounts of this element in foods consumed daily, reducing intake of healthy food. A reality that concerned when children who usually seek reward in full of this white sweet ingredient. If you have high levels of sugar, there are several foods that help reduce and, believe it or not, marijuana adds another benefit to health, as the reducing agent from the blood, as noted by a recent scientific research.
As carbohydrate intake is judged, sugar is another ingredient that has been in the discussion of the academy, and those consumed daily in various preparations. Finally, the conclusion is similar to other questionable foods: eat sparingly, switch to healthy living and exercise should not affect the minimum daily consumption. A balanced diet is the answer to many of the concerns about health and sugar intake, but how much of our diet is balanced?
Start changing the way you sweeten coffee or tea in the morning, use honey or stevia and start achieving minimal changes. Getting to a healthy diet is a decision. Finding and clicking is a personal attitude.
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 Via: in Spanish.

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Tags: Sweets, Cakes, Recipes, Christmas Recipes, tarts and cakes, almonds, icing sugar, custard, custard flavored nougat, pastry, traditional Basque dessert, Christmas Recipes, tart pastry with pastry cream, nougat.

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